By Richard Boyd
Photo: jbundgaa (
This month is women's history month, notably in America. It's a time to reflect on how women throughout history have shaped our lives. Some may ignore this as a gimmick just to advance women, but it would also be interesting to note. The Bible has its own rich history about women.
Women played a pivotal role in helping God and His people. Esther is one example, and we read how she saved her people from destruction. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14
When Godly women choose to maintain their silence, they allow the enemies of God to bring defeat, but when they stand for God and faithfully obey Him, the victory is evident. Even men desire assurance in their lives, and usually, a woman can assist them to achieve that.
Here are four things about the book of Esther, and you are encouraged to read the entire nine chapters.
Esther - The name in Hebrew means to conceal or hide.
The book of Esther is originally named the "Scroll of Esther.' The word scroll is the Hebrew word "Megillah," which the Book of Esther is traditionally written. The Book of Esther is the life story of the festival of Purim. The story of Purim took place 2,400 years ago. Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai saved the Jewish people from persecution.
Megillah in Hebrew means, to reveal.
The Megillah of Ester is a foreshadowing of how Jesus (Yeshua) gained victory over His enemies.
Let's set our hearts and thank God for women who have had a tremendous influence on our lives. For we all are created in God's image.