Solidarity is a term used both in social and political areas. Although we do not hear enough about it in the church. It is within the church that genuine solidarity began. This implies we are like those of the world, equally affected by injustice and evil. It was this evil of injustice, that nailed our Lord Yeshua to the Cross. He came to give himself due to injustice, disease, and economic struggles.
Recent events should cause us to examine how we in the local church need to be faithful. We have witnessed a pandemic of considerable proportions, affecting the entire world. The whole creation is under a severe watch like a storm churning and blowing. We are observing people dear to our hearts becoming sick, fearful, and confused.
Feeling helpless at times, we fail to recognize what our responsibility is as the body of Christ. We have been given a mandate by the Lord who was crucified and now presently lives. We are commanded to love our brothers, care for widows and orphans.
We must not look upon a fellow human being who suffers unjustly and say “that’s ain't my problem.” Especially when that human being is a brother or sister in Christ. One who also shares with us the glory of salvation within the family of the Church.
This past weekend I had the privilege to minister in Houston, Texas. It was an eye-opener. I witnessed a larger church take a stand in their community. And they did so by standing in solidarity. Unable to meet in their sanctuary, because of health laws, they muscled up the courage and are currently holding parking lot services. Hundreds of cars came out, and as I ministered they blew their car horns and flashed their headlights, displaying their enthusiasm in receiving the word of God.
Solidarity is not a phrase used so that we can denote political correctness, solidarity indicates we stand firm in Christ. We as a team unite for one common objective, to communicate the love of God toward others. We can only achieve this when we decide to unify as a strong local voice for God. Beloved, it's not about building up the church alone, it's about establishing the word of God in our hearts.
We must continue standing together as a solid group of believers. We cannot allow recent events to shy us away from uniting as one. It is our duty to continue praying for our beloved Nancy, who was faithful in prayer each week. Multiple times she came pressed and weary, but she was determined to pray for our church regardless of her circumstances.
Standing in solidarity signifies we see our church as a spiritual home. Not an option of choice, but a place of unity and purpose. Solidarity is a mighty weapon, against the schemes and deception of the devil. It is a sign that we are determined to work as one in the name of Christ.
He remained solid and instructed the disciples to do the same.
Psalm 133:1
“How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!”